The names:

Exotic species
We almost ended up with this name for our branding studio. It's a unique name and easy to turn into a brand.
Also, it fits what we do perfectly: we only create extraordinary brand names, no ordinary brand name ideas to be expected from us. We create exotic species.

Type is another word for brand or character/number. Characters are used to make up works, hence necessary to create names with.
Putting the word Hyper in front makes the brand stronger and more brandable.

Every brand name is basically a bunch of letters thrown together, the ampersand stands for the numbers and symbols that might accompany the letters. It keeps things in perspective.
Starting the name with the ampersand also gives the name a cool vibe.
Directly stating that your business name matters but also telling you that a name is matter, a substance that will substantially increase your success rate. Matter takes up space, you want your business to take as much market share as possible. Making your intangible name tangible (so to speak!).
A name that tickles curiosity and is actually pretty cool. It definitely has a story to tell.

Nocturnal minds
This refers to us always being "ON", even when we sleep. We brainstorm about potentially great brand names at any time of the day. Our minds never stop spinning, no matter what time of the day.
Creative people have a hard time falling asleep, the best ideas come at night. Nocturnal minds.

Unnamed Studios
This perfectly describes what we do, we give unnamed companies and products a name! All the companies and products of our clients are basically unnamed. It's up to us to find them a good one.
This was one of our favorites because it instantly describes what we do and it has a nice ring to it.

Hey {name}!
A name that somehow shows you you're future business name without really telling you yet. It created curiousity.
Extremely memorable and "cool". If the brackets wouldn't have complicated this name, this would have been our number one choice.

Brands are Boring
Sounds familiar right.
Brands are Boring? Quite the opposite! But we got your attention.